Sunday, December 25, 2011

Help, My Dog is Vomiting

!±8± Help, My Dog is Vomiting

Vomiting in dogs is a very common occurrence and can arise from a wide variety of causes, from simple gastritis to complex diseases of other body systems. Not only is it very distressing for both the dog and owner, it also provides a challenge for the veterinarian. This article explains the multiple causes of vomiting in dogs, including adverse food reactions, and the range of treatment options available.

What is vomiting?

Vomiting is the expulsion of food, fluid or debris from the stomach or small intestine due to coordinated movements of the gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It is important to differentiate this from regurgitation, which is a passive process rather than a coordinated effort like vomiting.

Regurgitation is a sign of disease in the esophagus, such as obstructions (foreign bodies such as a stick, bone or toy, or a stricture), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) or megaesophagus (dilatation of the esophagus due to weakening of the smooth muscle). The main difference between regurgitation and vomiting is that regurgitation is effortless, while vomiting is accompanied by strong abdominal contractions.

How can I tell vomiting and regurgitation apart?

Sometimes this is not easy to do. Generally speaking, if it happens immediately after eating it is more likely to be regurgitation (though vomiting can still occur then). If the content of the material expelled appears to be completely undigested food, this also supports regurgitation. If the presence of bile can be confirmed though, it is more likely to be vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

The most common causes of vomiting are dietary related, either through dietary indiscretion (e.g. overeating, eating overly rich or spoiled food) which causes acute (sudden) vomiting, or adverse food reactions (food allergies) which can cause chronic (long term and intermittent) vomiting.

However, there are a huge number of other causes arising from either the gastrointestinal system itself (stomach and small intestine) or secondary to disease elsewhere in the body (e.g. liver or kidney disease). Within the stomach, possible causes include:

1. Gastritis (inflammatory disease)

2. Stomach ulceration

3. Stomach cancer

4. Obstruction (foreign bodies, telescoping of intestine)

5. Hiatal hernia (part stomach herniating through the diaphragm)

Possible causes within the intestine include:

1. Infectious diseases (e.g. parvovirus)

2. Worms

3. Inflammatory bowel disease

4. Intestinal cancer

Secondary causes of vomiting that are due to disease elsewhere in the body include:

1. Pancreatitis (infection or inflammation of the pancreas)

2. Peritonitis (infection in the abdominal cavity)

3. Hepatitis (liver inflammation)

4. Kidney failure

5. Pyometra (infection of the uterus)

6. Hormonal deficiencies or excesses (e.g. Addisons disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Septicemia, Calcium imbalance)

Other potential causes that do not fit into the above categories are drug reactions (e.g. digoxin, chemotherapy drugs, NSAIDs) and neurological disorders.

Treatment of vomiting

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in itself. Whether or not treatment is appropriate depends upon the individual circumstances. If the dog is only vomiting occasionally, is bright and otherwise normal on examination, treatment is probably not necessary. Some dogs with sensitive digestive systems will vomit once or twice a month regardless of any treatment, and if they are otherwise well this should be ignored.

For acute vomiting cases, the first step should always be to starve the dog for 24 hours (while keeping plenty of water available ad lib). After the period of starvation, the dog should be offered small portions of a very bland food, such as chicken and boiled rice, for a few days. Meals should be fed as smaller portions several times a day, rather than one larger meal.

Though treating the symptom itself will often improve patient demeanor and comfort, it is no replacement for making a correct diagnosis of the underlying cause, and certain drugs can be harmful if given blindly (for example, giving metoclopromide to a dog with a gastric or intestinal obstruction). Certainly cases of acute and severe vomiting require immediate treatment, as dogs can become rapidly dehydrated, develop electrolyte imbalances and aspiration pneumonia otherwise.

Managing the vomiting dog

There are 2 goals when dealing with a vomiting dog:

1. Identify the underlying cause

2. Stop the vomiting in a safe and effective manner

In many cases, anti emetic therapy (the technical term for vomiting is emesis, and therefore drugs used to treat it are called anti emetics) is instigated immediately while the cause is being established.

A veterinarian will start by taking a full history, focusing especially on normal diet, recent medication, vaccination status and the description of the symptoms. He or she must first make sure that the dog is genuinely vomiting and not regurgitating, which has a completely different set of underlying causes. It is also important to get a graphic description of the material expelled, and whether it contained bile, fresh blood or what appears to be coffee granules (partly digested blood).

The next step is a full clinical examination, including carefully feeling the abdomen, taking the dogs rectal temperature and assessing the hydration status. Once this is completed, a veterinarian will have a slightly narrowed down list of differential diagnoses in mind. If the dog is not dehydrated, bright in demeanor, and both vital parameters and feeling the abdomen were normal, the veterinarian will often (and rightly so) make a presumptive diagnosis of gastritis, or gastroenteritis if diarrhea is present too, and prescribe antibiotics to combat the likely bacterial infection. The owner is then likely to be sent home with instructions to starve the dog for 24hrs and give bland food for a few days, alongside the antibiotics. The owner is instructed to monitor the dog closely, and return immediately if there are any signs of deterioration, or 2 to 3 days later for a routine check up.

If there are any findings in the clinical history or the physical examination that trigger concern, then further tests are necessary. The first of these is usually blood tests for hematology and biochemistry profiles. Urine and feces may also be analysed, the latter for either nasty bacteria or parasites. Additional laboratory tests may be required in certain circumstances, such as bile acid stimulation testing if liver dysfunction is suspected, or an ACTH stimulation test to look for adrenal disease.

The next stage of the work up involves imaging. The most useful is abdominal radiography (xrays), but ultrasonography and endoscopy can also be very important. Radiography and endoscopy both have to be carried out under general anesthesia, while ultrasonography can be performed conscious. If the imaging does not reveal the underlying cause then biopsies may be taken, either endoscopically guided or via exploratory surgery. Histopathology of these samples (studying the tissue microscopically) can give vital clues as to the cause, particularly by differentiating between inflammation and cancer.

The final diagnostic option is the therapeutic trial. If the dog gets better on the medication prescribed, then it must have been a certain type of disease that responds to that drug. By this rationale, wormers, antibiotics or an exclusion diet trial may be chosen.

Drugs used in the treatment of vomiting

1. Stomach protectants and antacids

These medications are useful when stomach ulceration is suspected. Examples include sucralfate (acts like a band aid over the ulcer), H2 antagonists (reduce acid production) and omeprazole (also reduces acidity).

2. Metoclopromide

This drug blocks a neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine, which prevents activation of the vomiting centre in the brain (known as the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone). It is only partially effective in doing this though, and has the additional effect of increasing forward motility of the gut. This means it must never be given to dogs that might have a stomach or intestinal obstruction. It can also cause mental changes such as hyperactivity and disorientation.

3. Phenothiazines (e.g. Acepromazine, ACP)

These are effective at blocking the dopamine receptors mentioned above, in addition to other receptors involved in the vomiting reflex. They are usually used when metoclopromide has failed, but also have undesirable side effects such as low blood pressure and sedation.

4. Antihistamines

Histamine receptors are also present in the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone, the part of the brain that controls the vomiting reflex. Antihistamines are effective in blocking vomiting that is due to motion sickness, but are little use against other causes.

5. Domperidone

Domperidone has a similar action to metoclopromide in that it blocks dopamine receptors and secondarily blocks serotonin receptors, but it does not have the promotility effects of metoclopromide. However, side effects include vulval enlargement and possible effects on fertility.

6. Maropitant

This is a new drug that is a Neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor antagonist. It can be given orally or by injection, and is extremely effective at stopping vomiting by working both on the vomiting centre in the brain and on the stomach itself. It is deemed so effective at stopping vomiting that veterinarians must be careful to properly investigate potentially dangerous underlying causes, that could be masked fatally by this drug.

Help, My Dog is Vomiting

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Two Excellent Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipes For You and Your Pup!

!±8± Two Excellent Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipes For You and Your Pup!

Giving your pet something that they will like is the greatest thing you can do as a pet owner. One thing that you can give is a peanut butter dog treat. Dogs love peanut butter. Here are a few peanut butter dog treat recipes that are top on our list:

1. Safflower dog treats - Who would think that by adding safflower to a recipe that you would have a winner? But there are many health benefits to be had by your dog if you just give it a try. The ingredients you need for these are:
1 1/2 cups water 1/2 cup safflower oil 2 medium eggs 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 1 1/4 cups unbleached white flour 1/2 cups cornmeal 1/2 cups rolled oats Additional flour for rolling Preheat oven to 400° F. You need to mix all of the following ingredients into a big bowl: Water, Oil, Eggs, Pea nut Butter, and Vanilla. Use a wire whisk to stir. Slowly add the flour, cornmeal, and oats. Take one-third of the dough and place on a floured surface. Some flower to the top of the dough. Gently knead it. You can add the additional flour as you need it. Roll out to 1/2 - 3/4 inch thickness and then you will want to cut it into shapes using dog cookie cutters that you bought. Place on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Leave in the oven for and additional 20 minutes after turning off the oven.

2. Gourmet Lollipop for Dogs- Having a lollipop is fun, even for dogs. That is why with this peanut butter recipe, you can really give your dog a great treat. The ingredients you are going to use for this are:
1 cup creamy peanut butter (natural is best) 1 cup cornstarch 2 tbsp. cold water 1 tbsp. carob chips (optional) Compressed rawhide or bully sticks Stir all ingredients together in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on 50% power for 30 seconds at a time until the ingredients are warm. Stir after each 30 seconds in the microwave. Spray the lollipop molds with cooking spray. Scoop the peanut butter into the molds that you have created. If it is still thick then press the mixture into the molds. Fill each mold 3/4 full. Let them sit for 5 minutes. Press the rawhide sticks into the peanut butter. You need to make sure the stick is placed in the middle, with the top being covered. Refrigerate overnight.

The above recipes will give your dog a tasty treat that is suitable for a healthy snack.

Two Excellent Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipes For You and Your Pup!

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Retaining & Regaining Your Self-Confidence in the Midst of Workplace Bullying

!±8± Retaining & Regaining Your Self-Confidence in the Midst of Workplace Bullying

Are you feeling "down" when you want to feel "up?"

Often, people who are targets of workplace bullying express feelings of anxiety and pessimism. This is natural. Once a bully has a target in his sites, he will take every opportunity to increase the level of pain he inflicts. Sooner or later, the target begins to doubt herself.

The workplace bully has then won a victory-he has eroded his target's self-confidence.

What is self-confidence? It is the sense that you are knowledgeable and competent, that you possess the skills and ability to take on a task. Self-confidence allows you to take on new challenges. Without it, you stay rooted in old habits.

How do you retain or regain your self-confidence when you're experiencing bullying in the workplace?

Like all worthwhile endeavors, it takes some work on your part. You're facing an expert in the area of bullying at work. So you have to match that expertise in your knowledge and faith in yourself.

Here are some things you can do to boost your self-confidence:

· Make a list of all the worthwhile activities you've ever accomplished. Go back to the science project you completed in the 6th grade, the experience of transferring to a new school when you were in high school, the achievement of completing a difficult assignment in school or at work and a successful encounter with a parent, child, sibling or friend. It's going to be a long list! Spend some time on it. The list will help you see yourself as a success in all the many areas of your life. It will help you see beyond the present unpleasant moment, by showing you your strengths and reminding you of your worth.

· Use your strengths to build yourself a 10-second commercial. For example, say to yourself, "I'm smart, good with numbers and I get along well with most people." Look at yourself in the mirror and repeat the commercial to yourself whenever you feel your self-confidence ebb.

· Give to others who appreciate you. Volunteer at an organization or play softball with your nephew. The opposite of depression is expression. If bad things are happening, give to others to keep things moving in a positive direction.

· Exercise regularly, and eat right. There really is a connection between your body and mind. You don't have to be a champion body-builder to benefit from exercise. Start with a fifteen-minute walk before and/or after work. Eat some protein with breakfast. Ease up on your carbohydrates. All these easy-to-do acts will give you strength. A simple formula: Strength (both inner and outer) equals greater self-confidence!

Most people of good character throughout history have been the targets of verbal, and often physical, abuse. Think about Abraham Lincoln. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mahatma Gandhi. Nelson Mandela. Being human, at one time or another, they all must have questioned who they were and what they were doing. But for the most part, they believed in themselves. Whether or not you're an historic hero, you can learn to do the same. In fact, you're worth it!

Retaining & Regaining Your Self-Confidence in the Midst of Workplace Bullying

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

6" Free Range Bully Sticks Select 50 pieces

!±8± 6" Free Range Bully Sticks Select 50 pieces

Brand : HPD | Rate : | Price : $59.99
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 06:39:14 | Usually ships in 24 hours

WE SELL NATURAL BULLY STICKS NOT STEER STICKS.Dear Customers,Our Bully sticks are not part of a recent FDA Recall. They are 100% safe to use. Meaty Treats With the Flavor Dogs Crave! All natural treats we sell at HappyDogPlace come from grass-fed, free-ranging animals. Our raw bull sticks have no chemicals or preservatives whatsoever. Bully sticks are naturally low in fat - even better for your dog than rawhide chews.All natural beef is lightly smoked to perfection to give dogs a unique, flavorful treat. Highly palatable Bullwrinkles are easy to digest and become chewy when moistened by dog's saliva.Naturally cleans teeth while providing dogs with a satisfying chew. They are a great way to reduce tartar buildup while satisfying your dog's instinct to chew! A happy customer

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Display Box - Bully Stick Canes (cigar Band) 30 - 36 20pk (Catalog Category: Dog / Body Parts Chews)

!±8±Display Box - Bully Stick Canes (cigar Band) 30 - 36 20pk (Catalog Category: Dog / Body Parts Chews)

Brand : Original Equipment Manufacturer
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Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 17:05:00
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Display Box - Bully Stick Canes (cigar Band) 30 - 36 20pk.
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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Redbarn Natural Dog Treat Bully Stick 5in

!±8± Redbarn Natural Dog Treat Bully Stick 5in

Brand : Redbarn | Rate : | Price : $84.74
Post Date : Nov 19, 2011 21:33:24 | Usually ships in 24 hours

The picture is of the braided bully sticks and not the bully sticks. If you want the braided bully sticks you need to order sku 017046. These lightly smoked, natural beef muscles are roasted in their natural juices. Highly Palatable, This Treat Becomes Chewy When Wet, Helps Keep Teeth Clean and Provides Hours Of Long Lasting Enjoyment

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dog Behavior Modification I - Bully No More

!±8± Dog Behavior Modification I - Bully No More

You are telling me that dog behavior modification has been at the forefront of your thoughts lately. It seems that Tucker has been taking some sort of twisted satisfaction out of chasing cars and cyclists and bullying anything that dares move in the general vicinity of your front yard.

Well, not to discourage you, but let me warn you: you have got a toughie on your hands. Why, you ask? For the simple reason that chasing things is a natural for dogs. In fact, they thrive on it. Have you ever observed dogs chasing each other at the park? Giving chase is a sport at which any self-respecting dogs will claim to excel.

And man has encouraged it. Think of the greyhound, or hunting dogs. Their skills are honed till they become champions, and if they cannot make the grade, very often they pay with their lives.

Develop a Plan For Dog Training With a Twist

But the situation is not completely hopeless, because I am here to help. The first thing we must do is develop a plan for dog training that is so cunning, Tucker won't know what hit him.

Let's get started, shall we? There is not a moment to lose here. Tucker is playing with fate, and the odds are not in his favor. Dogs that chase cars have no idea what they are getting into, and they tend to get more brazen every time they give chase. That is because when the car speeds away, they believe wholeheartedly that they have succeeded!

The longer you have allowed this bad dog behavior to continue, the more entrenched your dog becomes in his bullying act. So you must take the situation in hand and educate your pooch before it's too late. Tucker is in for some serious dog behavior modification.

What we need to do is teach Tucker that chasing cars and bicycles is not fine, and that it carries consequences. The trick is to have Tucker realize that the sky comes falling down on him the moment he misbehaves, in a manner of speaking.

The experiment must take place at home for my dog training tips to work. At the scene of the crime, in other words. This is bound to take a few days, four or five at the most, to ensure my plan still works even when you are not around to supervise him. In order to achieve that, we'll spy on him. But let me warn you, unless you are consistent, this will be an exercise in futility.

Dog Training Behavior Modification: Action!

Here is where we get into some serious dog training behavior modification mode. First, tie a 35-foot clothesline rope to Tucker's slip-chain training collar and let him roam around the backyard while you are keeping busy. Just make sure you keep an eye on him at all times so he does not get himself into trouble with that rope. When you think he has forgotten about it, move to your front yard.

Now it is vital that you keep a sharp eye on him, because the second he starts his barking charge, you need to pull on the rope with all your might. Keep pulling till he's at your feet, and then give him an abrupt shaking accompanied by a sharp tongue lashing in a loud, angry voice. The idea is to shock him in many ways to ensure he really gets the message. Only then will you really achieve lasting results.

Three important points to keep in mind here:

* react quickly;

* don't appear to lose control of yourself; and

* don't expose him to temptation.

It is crucial that until this experiment is over, you do not give Tucker the slightest chance of repeating his bad behavior without being corrected immediately. If you allow that to happen, you'll have to start all over again because, in Tucker's mind, that behavior is allowed some of the time.

When you develop a plan for dog training, the important thing to remember is that you must stick to it no matter what. You slip once, you can be sure that Tucker will notice, and he won't forget. See you tomorrow for the second day of our dog behavior modification.

Dog Behavior Modification I - Bully No More

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